When you decide to take some critical illness insurance out, there are a lot of factors you need to take into consideration. The first thing you need to do is to fully understand exactly what critical illness insurance is.
Critical illness insurance is an insurance plan you can take out that offers protection should you suffer from one of a number of critical illnesses specified within the plan you take.
Serious illness insurance pays you a tax-free lump sum if you are diagnosed with one of the specific illnesses or disabilities that your policy covers. It is often sold as an extra benefit on a life insurance or mortgage protection policy, but it can also be sold as an insurance policy on its own.
By taking out a policy you will benefit from the peace of mind in knowing that if you happen to suffer from a serious illness, your family can still have all of the opportunities you’d love them to have, such as going to university.
Generally, critical illness insurance cover is thought of as being an insurance product taken out by individuals, couples and families. However, critical illness cover can also be taken on a life of another by a business; this is normally known as key man insurance or group insurance. To find out more about the different type of illness insurance options available, why not fill out one of our online enquiry forms today.
Generally, critical illness insurance cover is thought of as being an insurance product taken out by individuals, couples and families. However, critical illness cover can also be taken on a life of another by a business; this is normally known as key man insurance or group insurance. To find out more about the different type of illness insurance options available, why not fill out one of our online enquiry forms today.